
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Subject: Everything I Have Learned About the Virus in the Last 2 Months with References BY DR BILL DAVIS ON MAY 22, 2020

Our journey of faith through the fire
Everything I Have Learned About the Virus in the Last 2 Months with References
Over the last two months the world has been turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic and associated panic. This all began with an announcement by the World Health Organization that the mortality rate of COVID 19 was 3.4%. Approximately 34 times as deadly as the seasonal flu (flu has a mortality rate of about 0.1%). This then led to models being developed that predicted wild estimates such as one used by California Gov. Gavin Newsom who predicted in March that over 25 million people in California would contract this virus over the next two months. To date over two months later, 81,903 people have been reported to have the coronavirus in California. This means that Gov. Newsom’s prediction was off by 24,918,097 people!
As of today, May 19, 2020, total coronavirus cases recorded in the United States are 1,561,766 and the total number of deaths recorded is 92,812. This would lead people to believe that the mortality rate of this virus is 5.9%.
But as Prof. John Edmunds has said:
“What you can safely say is that if you divide the number of reported deaths by the number of reported cases [to get the case fatality ratio], you will almost certainly get the wrong answer.”
So how can we really know how deadly this virus is?
We need to know not just how many people have tested positive for the virus but how many people have actually had the virus.
This is where antibody testing becomes so important.
Antibody testing can be done in healthy individuals to determine if they have antibodies associated with a particular virus. These antibodies are only created after you have had the virus. So this type of testing is key to understanding how many people actually have had the virus in the past.
Antibody Testing Shows Cases As Much As 55 Times More Then Recorded Numbers
In an article published in the economist on April 11 the authors analyzed all antibody data available and said that it was likely that 28 million Americans had already contracted the coronavirus. Since it is now about 40 days later it is clear that there have been way more cases than the 1.5 million recorded.
This is very good news!
In fact based on the USC antibody testing study that evaluated Los Angeles County, actual cases may be as much as 55 times more than the recorded numbers. Here’s what the article said “…estimate is 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to the county at the time of the study in early April.”
If the actual cases are 55 times higher than the recorded cases than that would mean that there have already been over 85 million Americans who have had the coronavirus!
This dramatically reduces the mortality rate from 5.9% down to 0.1% which is the same as the seasonal flu.
This is consistent with other antibody studies including one conducted by Stanford University in Santa Clara County that found the actual cases to be as much as 54 times that of the recorded cases. A Boston study found that 32% of a community already had the antibodies of the virus. The New York City anti-body study indicated that approximately 20% of the New York City population already had the virus. A Miami study had similar results. The results in the United States have been comparable with results in other countries such as Denmark, Germany, Holland, Spain, Italy, Iceland, and other countries.
Those in close contact may even have a higher prevalence of the virus. The Diamond Princess Cruise found that of the 3711 passengers on board 700 of them contracted the virus or approximately 18% of the population. Prison studies in four US states found that up to 70% of the prison population have antibodies for the virus (96% of them had no symptoms at the time).
For a more in-depth review of these antibody studies and their implications I recommend this article.
Coronavirus Has Been in the United States Much Longer Than Originally Thought
One reason why the virus is much more prevalent than originally thought is that it has been in the US much longer than originally believed.
COVID 19 was originally believed to have appeared in America in January with just a few cases. But recent evidence is proving that it was here much earlier. This is most likely due to the fact that China and the W.H.O. was not forthcoming with information regarding this virus and we were unaware of how long people with the virus were coming into our country from Wuhan and other regions of China.
It was recently determined that the state of Washington has identified confirmed cases of coronavirus from December. California has also confirmed cases from December. Florida has also confirmed cases going back to December. States in the middle of the country including Ohio have now identified cases from January. Europe has identified cases all the way back to November.
If the virus was in Europe in November and in the US in December it was obviously not contained in China in December as originally believed.
This means that the virus was spreading throughout the country without us being aware of it.
This would explain why as many as 85 million Americans may have already contracted the coronavirus and recovered.
Along with knowing how many people have had this virus we also need to know an accurate number associated with how many people have died from this virus. Not with the virus but from the virus.
Covid 19 Deaths May Be Overinflated by As Much As 25%
As I said previously the current number of deaths attributed to coronavirus are nearing 100,000 in the United States.
But is that number correct?
States such as Pennsylvania and Colorado have recently reduced the number of coronavirus deaths by as much as 20% in their areas due to inaccurate reporting.
Dr. Deborah Birx a member of the White House coronavirus task force has said that the CDC death reporting may be overinflated by as much as 25%.
But why would that be the case?
One reason is related to the broad criteria put out by the CDC to classify someone as a COVID death. The CDC criteria states “COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to the death.”
There is also monetary motivation for the hospitals to classify a death as a COVID death. Here’s what Dr. Scott Jensen a physician and state senator in Minnesota said in an interview with Fox News:
“Right now Medicare is determining that if you have a COVID-19 admission to the hospital you get $13,000. If that COVID-19 a patient goes on a ventilator you get $39,000, three times as much. Nobody can tell me after 35 years in the world of medicine that sometimes those kinds of things impact what we do.”
And for good reason. Hospital's income is down as much as 80% due to the cancellation of elective procedures. This is leading to huge numbers of hospital workers being laid off including right here in my area where Palomar Hospital has laid off 317 employeesEmergency room doctors are being let go. Other hospitals are closing completely due to this financial strain. Including this hospital in West Virginia. California hospitals are reporting $14 billion in losses in the last two months.
Just to survive, hospitals are motivated to classify as many people as possible as having COVID 19.
In addition, many of the deaths being attributed to coronavirus may be actually influenza deaths.
Rogan O’ Handly noted that, “during the prior 2 flu seasons, it” [the CDC] “collected data from Oct 1, 2017, to May 19, 2018 and Sept 30, 2018, to May 18, 2019, respectively.” He continued “Did this year’s seasonal flu season suddenly end when the COVID lockdowns began? Or are they purposefully stopping the collection of seasonal flu data 1.5 months earlier than normal to help artificially boost the COVID numbers? Are seasonal flu deaths now being counted as COVID?”
Seasonal flu deaths in America typically are about 50,000 per year with the worst in recent history being 2017-2018 when the US had 80,000 deaths. For the 2019-2020 season, CDC is currently estimating between 24,000-62,000 deaths. That’s a huge difference. If that number is on the lower end it’s very possible that many influenza deaths have been improperly classified as coronavirus.
So the combination of all of these factors is clearly demonstrating that the death number is inaccurate.
If the death number is 25% less then reported this would of course drop the mortality rate even more.
Other countries are beginning to put this virus in a more realistic light.
Here’s a chart from the Netherlands that breaks down the severity of this virus with the antibody data in that country. You can see that for anyone under 55 years of age the chance of death is below that of seasonal flu (0.1%). For people under 50 there is almost no risk of serious consequences.
Spain reported similar data with an infection fatality rate under 60 of only .052%.

Also, it’s important to understand that the people who are being affected the worst by this virus as with any other virus including the flu have pre-existing conditions.
In Italy, one of the worst-hit countries 99% of those who died with coronavirus had other illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or other chronic health conditions. Similar information has been found in the US as well in a study done in New York City.
So if you are under 60 and in good health you have almost no chance of dying or even having significant symptoms associated with this virus.
And even those over the age of 60 who were in good health have almost no chance of death. In San Diego County where I live we have had only 6 deaths that did not have pre-existing conditions out of 3.3 million people. Over 50% of all coronavirus, deaths have been in nursing homes. The majority of the people who are dying from this virus are very old and very sick. It’s unclear whether or not they died from this virus or from the other conditions they were suffering from. It’s also unclear whether or not they would have died from another condition if the coronavirus was not prevalent. All deaths are tragic but it’s important to keep perspective when it comes to those that are dying from this virus. In order to make logical decisions based on science.
Can Asymptomatic People Pass This Virus?
One of the major concerns about this virus at first was the contention that it was being passed from asymptomatic carriers. However, the original report out of Germany that claimed that the virus began there from an asymptomatic Chinese woman who met with four Germans in a business meeting was later proved false. The original report was based on conjecture from the four Germans’ assumptions but when scientists later followed up with the woman she indicated she did have symptoms in Germany including fever, muscle pain, and other associated symptoms.
Chinese report is the only report of asymptomatic spread in one family. And unfortunately the Chinese have been less than forthcoming with information regarding this virus.
Even the World Health Organization who has been less than forthcoming with information as well, referring to the coronavirus has said “to date, there has been no documented asymptomatic transmission.”
So is it possible that asymptomatic people could pass this virus?
That’s unclear for now. But the likely answer is no.
Even Dr. Fauci of the coronavirus task force said:
“In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, the asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks,”
Are Kids Carriers?
Another concern that is driving decision-making is that kids are carrying this virus to adults. This is why all the schools are closed.
But is this actually accurate?
A study earlier released near the end of April showed a nine-year-old British schoolboy who caught the virus on a skiing holiday in France did not pass the virus on to anyone despite coming into contact with more than 170 people. The French epidemiologists who carried out the research concluded that “children might not be an important source of transmissions of this novel virus”.
Further evaluation of the literature found no reported case of a child passing coronavirus to an adult exists. This led a British Medical Journal article published a few days ago to state “Children are not COVID-19 super spreaders: time to go back to school.”
Next let’s turn our attention to what the US has done to try to mitigate the risks of this virus.
Were Lockdowns the Answer?
In an unprecedented move, President Trump took the advice of his medical advisors including Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and others to lock down the country in March 2020 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. He encouraged all governors to follow this advice to lock down and take other precautions and the majority of them did. Many countries took the same approach. But five of the states and a handful of countries chose to take a different route.
As I said this was an unprecedented move. Never in the history of our country have we locked down like this. Not because of a pandemic. Not because of a war. Never. In fact, in the 1968-69 Hong Kong flu pandemic Woodstock took place.
So where did this idea come from?
Well it turns out that the origins of this lockdown idea began in 2006 during the Bush administration when 2 doctors (Drs. Mecher and Hatchett) who are not epidemiologists started pushing forward an idea that a 14-year-old girl came up with as part of her science project. She was the daughter of a scientist. Laura, with some guidance from her dad devised a computer simulation that showed how people – family members, co-workers, students in schools, people in social situations – interact. This computer simulation drove these two doctors’ ideas during pandemics that they presented to President Bush.
This was in direct opposition to all the thinking in America up to that point.
Dr. D.A. Henderson, “who had been the leader of the international effort to eradicate smallpox,” completely rejected the whole scheme.
Dr. Henderson was convinced that it made no sense to force schools to close or public gatherings to stop. He argued that teenagers would escape their homes to hang out at the mall. School lunch programs would close, and impoverished children would not have enough to eat. Hospital staff would have a hard time going to work if their children were at home.
The measures embraced by Drs. Mecher and Hatchett would “result in significant disruption of the social functioning of communities and result in possibly serious economic problems,” Dr. Henderson wrote in his own academic paper responding to their ideas.
The answer, he insisted, was to tough it out: Let the pandemic spread to build herd immunity and treat people who get sick.
But unfortunately, Drs. Mecher and Hatchett’s ideas were accepted and became part of the plan to deal with pandemics in the future.
This is how Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx and others convinced President Trump to move forward with this strategy.
The goal behind the lockdown strategy was to “stop the spread” and “flatten the curve” in order to not overwhelm hospital systems. The federal government initially put these extreme lockdown recommendations in place for 15 days. But then after the initial 15 days, they put in another 30 days of lockdown in place. Some governors have extended their lockdowns even longer. LA County has suggested their lockdowns may continue until August.
But is this strategy working?
You would think that if staying home was the answer then the people who are contracting the coronavirus were those that were leaving their houses to go to their “essential” jobs but that has not been the case. In fact in New York 66% of their coronavirus cases were contracted at home. The New York governor said it was “shocking” that 66% of new coronavirus hospitalizations are people who are either retired or unemployed and not commuting to work on a regular basis.
7 US states did not issue a shelter in place order. They are Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and Arkansas.
4 US states have continued their full lockdown policies to date. These include Illinois, New Jersey, Delaware, and Michigan. All other states have begun to loosen their restrictions.
If you take a look at the chart below you will see a breakdown of different groups of states and how long they locked down. As you can see the longer a state was locked down the more deaths happened per hundred thousand people. If lockdowns were the answer you would expect this chart to be the opposite. States that did not lockdown should have the worst outcomes.

Are Lockdowns Leading to Depressed Immune Systems?
One reason why this may be the case is related to the immune system. Susceptibility to viruses is related to immune dysregulation. Some of the reasons why our immune system would be depressed and not functioning as well during these lockdowns include:
  • Staying inside and avoiding sun exposure (Vitamin D)
  • Staying inside and avoiding fresh air
  • Staying inside and worrying constantly, keeping anxiety and cortisol levels high
  • Eating inflammatory foods at “essential” fast-food restaurants, causing gastrointestinal dysbiosis and gut permeability
  • Covering your body in toxic sanitizers that destroy your skin’s microbiome, the same microbiome responsible for maintaining a protective barrier
  • Staying inside and not exercising
  • Drinking alcohol that purchased at an “essential” liquor store and does so in excess (because of anxiety)
  • Wearing a mask that decreases oxygen and increases carbon dioxide
  • Isolating ourselves from other people which does not give us the ability to interact with viruses and infections which is an important part of building our immune response.
So it is possible that by locking down to prevent us from contracting this virus we are actually depressing our immune systems which are leading to more people contracting the virus.
Lockdowns Leading to More Deaths?
What about all the other effects of the lockdown that do not involve the virus at all?
For example:
Should We Have Ever Locked down?
As opposed to what the majority of the United States have done some countries took a very different approach. They did not lockdown. They left their schools open, restaurants, bars, etc. there were no closures of businesses. Those that were immunosuppressed or elderly were encouraged to avoid crowded places. Social distancing was encouraged and proper sanitation.
One of the countries with Sweden. Some experts were predicting that Sweden would have 100,000 deaths due to this strategy. As of May 21 Sweden has recorded 3871 deaths.
Comparing Sweden to other European countries that enforced strict lockdowns we see that Sweden has had 384 deaths per 1 million people. Nearby Belgium with a similar population has had 793 deaths per 1 million people. The United Kingdom has had 531 deaths per 1 million people. France has had 432 deaths per 1 million people.
South Korea also chose to face this virus without lockdowns. To date they have only had five deaths per 1 million population. As opposed to the Philippines which has had very strict lockdowns but has more deaths with eight deaths per 1 million population.
Brazil is another country that has not locked down. To date, they have had 91 deaths per 1 million population compared to nearby Ecuador who has locked down and has 167 deaths per 1 million population.
As you can see in all three of these examples the countries that have chosen the traditional route of dealing with pandemics have fared much better than those that have chosen this new route of locking everything down.
What would’ve happened if we wouldn’t have lockdown due to this virus?
Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Swedencoronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. His graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.
So did the lockdown strategy destroy our economy and cause innumerable numbers of suicides, child abuse, domestic violence, business closures, unemployment, for nothing? Only time will tell for sure.
But there’s been more actions taken than just lockdowns including the recommendation of mask-wearing, social distancing to 6 feet, and other protocols. Let’s take a look at those next.
Are Masks Helping or Causing More Problems?
The US Surgeon General Jerome Adams has changed his position several times when it comes to masks. In March he had said “” What the World Health Organization and the CDC have reaffirmed in the last few days is that they do not recommend the general public wear masks,” Adams told Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” “There was a study in 2015 looking at medical students. And medical students wearing surgical masks touch their faces on average 23 times. We know a major way that you can get respiratory diseases like coronavirus is by touching a surface and then touching your face.”
Then near the end of April, he changed his mind and said yes to masks. Here’s his quote “What’s changed?” Adams clarified. “What’s changed is, we found out that, unlike past viruses that are spread through the respiratory route, a significant proportion of coronavirus cases can be traced back to asymptomatic spread.
“So the task force deliberated this. We’ve always told you that we will look at the facts and we will give people recommendations based on the best available evidence at the time. And once we saw that asymptomatic spread, we said, ‘Well, masks still aren’t effective, from our point of view, at preventing you from catching coronavirus in a significant way.’ But we’ve always told people that they should wear masks, if they know they have symptoms, to prevent them from spreading to other people.”
So as he said masks are not effective at preventing you from getting coronavirus but because of the possibility of asymptomatic spread everyone should wear one?
As I mentioned earlier in this article, even the World Health Organization has said “to date, there has been no documented asymptomatic transmission.” And Dr. Fauci of the coronavirus task force said:
“In all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, an asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks,”
So there are no documented cases of asymptomatic spread but because of the possibility of  asymptomatic spread everyone should wear a mask even though masks are not effective?
This makes no sense to me.
And it makes no sense to a lot of people including several California counties who have ended their mask requirements due to a lack of evidence.
There are also additional concerns when it comes to wearing masks. When wearing a mask it decreases the amount of oxygen you are able to take in and decreases the amount of carbon dioxide that you can breathe out. This depresses the immune system when done over long periods of time.
Sunlight, Fresh Air, and Warm Temperatures Kill Virus?
John Nicholls, a pathology professor at the University of Hong Kong has said “Three things the virus does not like: 1. Sunlight, 2. Temperature, and 3. Humidity,”
This is another reason why I believe it to be so important that we get out of our houses and get into the sunlight and fresh air.
What’s Happening with the States That Are Reopening?
So larger states that have reopened sooner than other large states such as Florida, Georgia, Texas and others have been receiving some very misleading reporting recently. There have been reports of increased cases since reopening. But the actual situation is much different. There is much more testing that’s happening now then there was previously. For instance, in one example there were 330,000 tests done in Texas over the two months of lockdowns and 330,000 tests done in two weeks in May after reopening. Of course there’s going to be more positive tests when you’re doing way more tests.
Despite media hysteria, HHS secretary Alex Azar confirms that there has been no coronavirus spike in re-opened states.
In particular, Georgia and Florida, which were projected to see a sharp rise in new cases, have not experienced major new outbreaks. The average number of new daily cases in Florida declined by 14 percent, and Georgia’s average new daily cases dropped by 12 percent during the same time period.
Other countries are seeing the same situation that there is no evidence of a second wave.
Is A Vaccine The Answer?
Another common theme that you are probably hearing is that life may not go back to normal until there is a vaccine. And there’s even talk of the government mandating a vaccine.
The question is does mandate a rushed vaccine address the problem or create more problems?
Will COVID go away when everyone is mandated to vaccinate? Are there better options to improve the health and well-being of a society? Is this simply about ensuring the health of a nation or is there something more going on?
Of all those who passed in Italy with COVID, it was reported that 99% of them had other illnesses and health conditions why not address those deeper health issues? Are we prepared to give up our medical freedoms? What about those with immune compromise who don’t fare well with vaccinations, or those who feel it goes against their consciousness (philosophical or religious reasons) to be injected?
The flu has a vaccine and yet it kills 650,000 people globally every year. A vaccine does not guarantee no deaths. In fact, it doesn’t even guarantee fewer deaths.
All vaccines have risks. This is why since 1988 the US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over $4.3 billion to families that have been injured by vaccines.
Of all the vaccines that are currently in circulation the one that has taken the least amount of time to develop took four years and typically they take 10 to 15 years to develop and clinical trials. Do you think that a vaccine that is rushed through the process of development in “warp speed” will have more problems or less?
This may be the most dangerous vaccine that has ever been created.
In fact, when coronavirus vaccines have previously been attempted they have shown horrible side effects even in animal studies.
And even if there is a vaccine created there is no reason why it should be mandated.
Once You Have Had Coronavirus You Have Immunity
As with most viruses, it appears that once you have had the coronavirus you have immunity to it at least this particular strain.
For instance, two independent research studies (from Berlin & California) that both came up with the same result: C19-specific killer T cells (a particular type of white blood cell) are found in people that have been infected with C19.
This is great news because T cells provide an “immune memory” so that once you have these C19-specific T cells, you now have longterm immunity. This is how we will eventually reach collective herd immunity for the general population. Enough people must have these C19-specific cells, along with C19-specific antibodies (yes, T cells and antibodies are different), inside their bodies.
Alessandro Sette one of the lead research immunologists for the study at La Jolla said, “The immune system sees this virus and mounts an effective immune response.”
But wait. There’s more!
Both studies also found these same C19-specific T lymphocytes in some people who had not been infected with C19. What does this mean?
The immunologists say that it is most likely because these people were previously infected with other strains of coronaviruses.
Maybe this is why over half of people that get C19 infection has no symptoms? If they already have some degree of immunity at the ready when they encounter C19, then their body’s immune response is more robust.
So without a vaccine, we are likely developing herd immunity already and as more people contract this virus it will become more and more effective.
How to Boost Your Immune System?
So where do we go from here?
Is there hope?
Regardless of who you are the most important thing you can do is boost your immune system.
The stronger your immune system is the more effectively you will be able to fight off ALL viruses and infections.
Here are some facts to think about.
FACT: Isolation weakens your immune system.
FACT: Sitting on your couch all day weakens your immune system.
FACT: Excessive amounts of hand sanitizer weakens your immune system by killing your microbiome.
FACT: Lack of fresh air and sunshine weakens your immune system.
FACT: Lack of exposure to germs weakens your immune system. [Yes, use common sense and proper hygiene.]
FACT: Sedentary lifestyle weakens your immune system. It doesn’t take long either (Sedentary in plain English means you sitting around all day).
FACT: Sugar also weakens your immune system.
FACT: Lack of vitamins and nourishment weakens your immune system.
These are facts and they are not debatable. This is human biology 101.
As a health care provider, I see a KEY word Missing in most of the discussion today: RESPONSIBILITY.
We have people that lived a “Death-style” (Un-Healthy Lifestyle) that are now ‘Immuno-Compromised’ & they are Blaming us, the healthy majority, for being a THREAT to them!
They did the damage & THEY were their own worst enemy for YEARS, in MOST cases.
So let’s get something CLEAR for everyone: YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR RESPONSIBILiTY.
Even now in the middle of this pandemic. You are a bigger threat to yourself than I could ever be, even if I was at my peak COVID-Contagious level because the virus is ONE variable, against your all-mighty immune system, unless you wrecked your body.
These FACTS could save your life:
FACT, over 70% of chronic illness is Lifestyle (Death-style) based behavior.
FACT: Unless there is a CONSEQUENCE for a behavior people rarely change & it’s why they NEED a heart attack to alter routines. (even then it only works in 30% of people)
FACT, Your immune system kills thousands of viruses daily
FACT: If your mask works, then I don’t need one
FACT: If you are afraid of my germs then get your yourself healthy
FACT: If you get sick & take a pill to keep living the same way, you have to BLAME YOURSELF.
As a Doctor, it is NEVER our job to get you healthy.
The healing is from the inside out, it’s the innate ability of your body to fight back, and it does so daily when you care for it.
It is YOUR responsibility to get healthy and stay healthy.

About Dr. Bill and the Davis Family
Dr. Bill Davis is a man who loves and serves the Lord with all his heart. He is a husband, father, son, brother, uncle, and friend. He is a passionate doctor who specializes in upper cervical chiropractic care known as NUCCA. Dr. Davis is active in his church, Calvary Chapel Oceanside, where he serves in the Marriage Ministry with his wife Julie, leads a weekly home fellowship Bible study, serves on the apologetics team and has recently completed the year-long intern program.
Dr. Davis and his wife Julie have been married for 11 years and have 3 beautiful children, Ethan age 8, Isaac age 6, and Grace age 5. They are a certified foster family and have had the joy of caring for 4 different children during the first year as a foster family, two of them were with the family when the accident occurred.
Dr. Davis is the owner and clinic director of Breath of Life Chiropractic in Vista, CA. Breath of Life ( has been serving the tri-city area since 2008 and by God’s grace, will continue to do so for many years to come.
Julie is a stay at home Mom that home schools the older two children through Coastal Academy Charter School in Oceanside. She has taken on the role of caretaker for Dr. Bill now that he is home from the rehabilitation hospital